Industrial Worker - Issue #1754, April 2013

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O f f i c i a l n e w s p a p e r oF T h e I n d u s t r i a l Wo r k e r s o f t h e Wo r l d
Ap r i l 2 0 13 #175 4 Vol . 110 No. 3 $2/ 2/ 2

When Child Care Workers Fought Back

Wobblies Organize, Strike At Nonprofit In Minneapolis

By X364359 On Monday, Feb. 25, canvass workers at Sisters Camelot, a nonprofit food share organization in Minneapolis, went public as card-holding IWW members. The workers demanded a negotiation meeting with the management collective (of which most of the workforce are not members, despite claiming to be a worker collective) on Friday, March 1, at which they presented their demands. The workers also threatened to strike if the collective refused to negotiate. After discussing the demands for an hour, the bosses told the workers that they would not negotiate, and the workers went on strike. The union has near-unanimous support from canvassers, most of whom have signed red cards or pledged to, and a majority of whom took part in the march on the collective when they went public. Additionally, one of the canvass directors, Bobby Becker, openly supports the union and joined the workers on strike, although he is ineligible for IWW membership under the existing management structure. The workers began organizing about four months prior to going public and approached the IWW on their own, after years of declining workplace condi tions. Their grievances include lack of workplace democracy, below-standard pay, no medical coverage for job-related injuries, and no paid vacation/sick days. Although Sisters Camelot claims to be a collective and that there are no bosses here, both directors and the collective can hire and fire canvassers who arent collective Sisters Camelot workers show off their red cards after going public as members. The workers main Continued on 8 IWW members on Feb. 25.

100 Million Workers Special: Requiem For OBU & Horizontal Worker Cooperatives Go On General Strike A Campaign 12 11 In India 3 6-7 In Texas

Photo: colt thundercat

Grand Rapids Call Center Workers Win Union Election

tickets to customers and office workers who deal with clients such as casinos and concert venues. Over the last few years, our organizing committee has functioned as the human resources department because our office doesnt actually have one. Collaboratively, we solve problems that come up at work, support each other, and affect some victories by working together without publicly using the title union. The most significant victory was getPhoto: Evelyn Stone ting the company to stop hiring call center workers as independent contractors in 2011. Weve always been cautiousperhaps too cautiouswith our organizing, and our decision to come out in January was uncharacteristically sudden because the workload and stress level in the client services department had become unbearable. We realized that our fellow workers in that department could not go Periodicals Postage on any longer under these conditions. The workers in client services are on salary, which basically means theres no cap to the amount of hours they have to work, and, while the workload and job description of the staff in that department has been steadily expanding over the last two years, the compensation certainly has not. Client services representatives regularly work 60 to 70 hours per week and still find it impossible to finish their work, much less satisfy their own high standards for the work they do. They may have paid time off, but they are too afraid to use it because of how much work will pile up during their day off. This is an extremely unfulfilling situation to be in week after week. Not to mention its very hard to justify giving up all your free time and social relationships just for a job that, when you do the math, pays an average of about $9.50 per hour. Currently, the people working in that department are miserable, and all it would take to fix is hiring a couple more people to help distribute the workload. However, Krasula runs Star Tickets on an austerity model, and he is committed to getting the most work out of the fewest people for the

Star Ticket Workers rally in January.

By Evelyn Stone After three years of careful organizing, the IWW Star Tickets Workers Union went public in late January. Star Tickets is a ticketing agency owned by Detroit-area millionaire Jack Krasula with an office in Grand Rapids, Mich. The company consists of a small call center with customer service representatives who sell event

lowest pay. Although we have pointed out this problem over and over, he refuses to make changes. We had always pictured our ideal scenario for going public as a union at a time when we had a strong majority of support in the office and could affect a big walkon-the-boss straight to Krasula, who is rarely in our office. We wanted to include everyone on the organizing committee. However, we realized that we couldnt wait any longer for that ideal scenario. The committee held an emergency meeting and decided to file a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). It was a difficult decision, but we knew Krasula and knew that he would never bargain with us without legal force. After filing the petition, three of our core members went into the office of the highest manager on site, the vice president of sales, and made our demands for her to pass on to Krasula. These demands were for him to create two new positionsone more client services position and one marketing assistant position to take care of all the various marketing duties that have been dumped on Continued on 9

Industrial Worker PO Box 180195 Chicago, IL 60618, USA ISSN 0019-8870 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED


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Chicago, IL

Sponsor an Industrial Worker Subscription for a Prisoner

Sponsor an Industrial Worker subscription for a prisoner! The IWW often has fellow workers & allies in prison who write to us requesting a subscription to the Industrial Worker, the official newspaper of the IWW. This is your chance to show solidarity! For only $18 you can buy one full years worth of working-class news from around the world for a fellow worker in prison. Just visit: to order the subscription TODAY!

Page 2 Industrial Worker April 2013

Staughton Lynd Responds To Counterpoint On Planks

Letters Welcome!
Long live free speech and comradely disagreement! Rosa Luxemburg wrote from prison: Freedom is always freedom for the one who thinks differently. However, sometimes there are misunderstandings that can be cleared away. I think I may not have made clear my two main points and that FW Miller may have misunderstood them in his response to my piece, Planks For A Platform And A Few Words About Organizing, titled Counterpoint On Planks For A Platform, which appeared on page 3 of the March IW. First, I am not saying that industrial unions have been corrupted. I am saying that the 1905 Preamble assumes that if the labor movement can reorganize on a basis of industrial rather than craft unionism, the new industrial unions will practice solidarity, and that history has shown this assumption to be mistaken. I offer the United Mine Workers as an example of an industrial union that was in many ways top-down and anything but radical in 1905, and became even less radical in the 1920s when John L. Lewis became its president. Lewis, as initiator of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), implanted in CIO contracts from the very beginning the key ideas of (1) a management prerogatives clause that gave management a free hand in making the big investment decisions, including closing a plant and moving capital overseas, and (2) promising not to strike during the duration of the contract, thus depriving workers of the opportunity to fight back. An interesting sidebar to our discussion is that in those same years Lenin, in exile in Siberia, read the Webbs books on British trade unionism and concluded that conventional labor unions, left to their own devices, would not seek radical structural change. I suggest that his diagnosis was correct but his remedy, the vanguard party, was a disaster. My second main point was that Wobs might help their fellow workers to understand what the IWW was up to if there were a list of particular practices and demands that the IWW advocated. Brother Miller agrees with most of them, but comments repeatedly nothing new there or we have known this for a long time. Of course. Thats the point. I offered a listand there was nothing sacred about this particular listof practices and de-

Send your letters to: with Letter in the subject. Mailing Address: Industrial Worker, P.O. Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States.


May Day! May Day!

The deadline for announcements for the annual May Day Industrial Worker is April 5, 2013. Celebrate the real labor day with a message of solidarity! Send announcements to Much appreciated donations for the following sizes should be sent to: IWW GHQ, P.O. Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States. $12 for 1 tall, 1 column wide $40 for 4 by 2 columns $90 for a quarter page

mands that we know about but that fellow workers dont necessarily understand that we advocate. I think having such a list to pass on to fellow workers might elicit the response, Well, yeah, I agree with that. What else do you stand for? Finally, be fair. I didnt and dont ask anyone to define themselves as an accompanyingist. I said that the labor movement might accomplish more if, instead of trying to organize people we sought to accompany them, that is, to walk beside them, sharing ideas on a basis of equality. Staughton Lynd, just an old retired historian and lawyer

Industrial Worker
The Voice of Revolutionary Industrial Unionism

IWW directory
South Africa Cape Town: 7a Rosebridge, Linray Road, Rosebank, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa 7700. iww-ct@live. Uganda IWW Kabale Uganda: Justus Tukwasibwe Weijagye, P.O. Box 217, Kabale , Uganda, East Africa. jkweijagye[at]

Organization Education Emancipation

Official newspaper of the Post Office Box 180195 Chicago, IL 60618 USA 773.728.0996 General Secretary-Treasurer: Sam Green General Executive Board: Monika Vykoukal, Dave Pike, Katie Jennings, ME Miller, John Slavin, Montigue Magruder, Meg Beyer Editor & Graphic Designer : Diane Krauthamer Proofreaders : Maria Rodriguez Gil, Tom Levy, Nick Jusino, Scotty Hertz, Jacob Brent, John Steven Pirres, Mathieu Dube, Tony B, Dan Scott, Jonathan D. Beasley, Tala Birch, D. Keenan, Neil Parthun, Estelle Clark, Rebekah David, Skylaar Amann, Chris Heffner, Billy OConnor, David Patrick, Joel Gosse, Zac Smith Printer: Globe Direct/Boston Globe Media Millbury, MA Next deadline is April 5, 2013

Industrial Workers of the World


New South Wales Sydney GMB: Laura, del., Newcastle: Woolongong: Lismore: Queensland Brisbane: P.O. Box 5842, West End, Qld 4101. Asger, del., happyanarchy@riseup. net South Australia Adelaide:, www.wobbliesSA. org. Jesse, del., 0432 130 082 Victoria Melbourne: P.O. Box 145, Moreland, VIC 3058., www.iwwmelbourne. Loki, del., lachlan.campbell.type@ Geelong: Western Australia Perth GMB: P.O. Box 1, Cannington WA 6987. Bruce, del.,coronation78@hotmail. com

Vancouver Island GMB: Box 297 St. A, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5K9. http://vanislewobs.wordpress. com Manitoba Winnipeg GMB: IWW, c/o WORC, P.O. Box 1, R3C 2G1. New Brunswick Fredericton: Ontario Ottawa-Outaouais GMB & GDC Local 6: 1106 Wellington St., P.O. Box 36042, Ottawa, K1Y 4V3., Ottawa Panhandlers Union: Karen Crossman, spokesperson, 613-282-7968, Peterborough: c/o PCAP, 393 Water St. #17, K9H 3L7, 705-749-9694. Sean Carleton, del., 705-775-0663, Toronto GMB: c/o Libra Knowledge & Information Svcs Co-op, P.O. Box 353 Stn. A, M5W 1C2. 416-919-7392. Max Bang, del., nowitstime610@ Windsor GMB: c/o WWAC, 328 Pelissier St., N9A 4K7. (519) 564-8036. http:// Qubec Montreal GMB: cp 60124, Montral, QC, H2J 4E1. 514268-3394.


British Isles

IW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, United States

ISSN 0019-8870 Periodicals postage paid Chicago, IL. Postmaster: Send address changes to IW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618 USA SUBSCRIPTIONS Individual Subscriptions: $18 International Subscriptions: $30 Library/Institution Subs: $30/year Union dues includes subscription. Published monthly with the exception of February and August. Articles not so designated do not reflect the IWWs official position. Press Date: March 18, 2013

U.S. IW mailing address:

British Isles Regional Organising Committee (BIROC): PO Box 7593 Glasgow, G42 2EX. Secretariat: rocsec@iww., Organising Department Chair: uk. IWW UK Web Site administrators and Tech Department Coordinators:, NBS Job Branch National Blood Service: iww.nbs@ Mission Print Job Branch: Building Construction Workers IU 330: Health Workers IU 610:, Education Workers IU 620:, www. Recreational Workers (Musicians) IU 630: peltonc@gmail. com, General, Legal, Public Interest & Financial Office Workers IU 650: Bradford: Bristol GMB: Hydra Books, 34 Old Market, BS2 0EZ., Cambridge GMB: IWWCambridge, 12 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2AD Dorset: 0044(0)7570891030. Hull: Leeds:, Leicester GMB: Unit 107, 40 Halford St., Leicester LE1 1TQ, England. 07981 433 637. www. London GMB: c/o Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, E1 7QX. +44 (0) 20 3393 1295, UK/London Nottingham: Reading GMB: Sheffield: Tyne and Wear GMB (Newcastle +): tyneandwear@iww. West Midlands GMB: The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH westmids@iww. York GMB: Scotland Clydeside GMB: Dumfries and Galloway GMB: , Edinburgh GMB: c/o 17 W. Montgomery Place, EH7 5HA. 0131-557-6242.

German Language Area IWW German Language Area Regional Organizing Committee (GLAMROC): IWW, Haberweg 19, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany. www. Austria: www.iwwaustria. Berlin: Offenes Treffen jeden 2.Montag im Monat im Cafe Commune, Reichenberger Str.157, 10999 Berlin, 18 Uhr. (U-Bahnhof Kottbusser Tor). Postadresse: IWW Berlin, c/o Rotes Antiquariat, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany. Frankfurt am Main: Cologne/Koeln GMB: c/o Allerweltshaus, Koernerstr. 77-79, 50823 Koeln, Germany. Munich: Switzerland: Netherlands: Norway IWW: 004793656014., iwwnorge. Twitter: @IWWnorge

United States


IWW Canadian Regional Organizing Committee (CANROC): Alberta Edmonton GMB: P.O. Box 75175, T6E 6K1., Gabriel Cardenas, del., 780-990-9081, British Columbia Vancouver GMB: 204-2274 York Ave., V6K 1C6. 604-732-9613. www.

Alaska Fairbanks: P.O. Box 72938, 99707. Chris White, del. Arizona Phoenix GMB: P.O. Box 7126, 85011-7126. 623-3361062. Flagstaff IWW: 928-600-7556, Arkansas Fayetteville: P.O. Box 283, 72702. 479-200-1859. California Los Angeles GMB: (323) 374-3499. iwwgmbla@gmail. com North Coast GMB: P.O. Box 844, Eureka 95502-0844. 707-725-8090, Sacramento IWW: P.O. Box 2445, 95812-2445. 916-8250873, San Francisco Bay Area GMB: (Curbside and Buyback IU 670 Recycling Shops; Stonemountain Fabrics Job Shop and IU 410 Garment and Textile Workers Industrial Organizing Committee; Shattuck Cinemas; Embarcadero Cinemas) P.O. Box 11412, Berkeley, 94712. 510-8450540. IU 520 Marine Transport Workers: Steve Ongerth, del., Evergreen Printing: 2412 Palmetto Street, Oakland 94602. 510-482-4547. San Jose: Colorado Denver GMB: 2727 W. 27th Ave., 80211. Lowell May, del., 303-433-1852. Four Corners (AZ, CO, NM, UT): 970-903-8721, 4corners@ DC DC GMB (Washington): 741 Morton St. NW, Washington DC, 20010. 571-276-1935 Florida Gainesville GMB: c/o Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St., 32601. Robbie Czopek, del., 904-315-5292,, Miami IWW: Hobe Sound: P. Shultz, 8274 SE Pine Circle, 33455-6608. 772-545-9591, Pensacola GMB: P.O. Box 2662, Pensacola 32513-2662. 840-437-1323,, www.

Georgia Atlanta GMB: 542 Moreland Avenue, Southeast Atlanta, 30316. 404-693-4728 Hawaii Honolulu: Tony Donnes, del., Idaho Boise: Ritchie Eppink, del., P.O. Box 453, 83701. 208-3719752, Illinois Chicago GMB: P.O. Box 57114, 60657. 312-638-9155. Freight Truckers Hotline: mtw530@iww.orgv Indiana Indiana GMB: 219-308-8634. Facebook: Indiana IWW Celestial Panther Publishing IU 450 Job Shop: 317-4201025. Iowa Eastern Iowa GMB: 563-265-5330. William.R.Juhl@ Kansas Greater Kansas City/Lawrence GMB: P.O. Box 1462, Lawrence, 66044. 816-875-6060. Wichita: Naythan Smith, del., 316-633-0591. Louisiana Louisiana IWW: John Mark Crowder, del.,126 Kelly Lane, Homer, 71040. 318-224-1472. Maine Maine IWW: 206-350-9130., www. Maryland Baltimore GMB: P.O. Box 33350, 21218. baltimoreiww@ Massachusetts Boston Area GMB: P.O. Box 391724, Cambridge, 02139. 617-863-7920,, Cape Cod/SE Massachusetts: Western Mass. Public Service IU 650 Branch: IWW, P.O. Box 1581, Northampton, 01061 Michigan Detroit GMB: 4210 Trumbull Blvd., 48208. detroit@ Grand Rapids GMB: P.O. Box 6629, 49516. 616-881-5263. Grand Rapids Bartertown Diner and Rocs Cakes: 6 Jefferson St., 49503., www. Central Michigan: 5007 W. Columbia Rd., Mason 48854. 517-676-9446, Minnesota Red River GMB:, redriveriww@gmail. com Twin Cities GMB: 3019 Minnehaha Ave. South, Suite 50, Minneapolis 55406. Duluth IWW: P.O. Box 3232, 55803. iwwduluth@riseup. net Missouri Greater Kansas City IWW: P.O. Box 414304, Kansas City 64141-4304. 816.875.6060. St. Louis IWW: P.O. Box 63142, 63163. stlwobbly@gmail. com Montana Construction Workers IU 330: Dennis Georg, del., 406490-3869, Billings: Jim Del Duca, 106 Paisley Court, Apt. I, Bozeman 59715. 406-860-0331. Nebraska Nebraska GMB: P.O. Box 81175, Lincoln 68501-1175. 402-370-6962. www. Nevada Reno GMB: P.O. Box 12173, 89510. Paul Lenart, del., 775-513-7523, IU 520 Railroad Workers: Ron Kaminkow, del., P.O. Box 2131, Reno, 89505. 608-358-5771. ronkaminkow@ New Hampshire New Hampshire IWW: Paul Broch, del.,112 Middle St. #5, Manchester 03101. 603-867-3680 . New Jersey Central New Jersey GMB: P.O. Box 10021, New Brunswick, 08906. 732-801-7001. Bob Ratynski, del., 908-285-5426 New Mexico Albuquerque GMB: 202 Harvard Dr. SE, 87106. 505-2270206, New York New York City GMB: 45-02 23rd Street, Suite #2, Long Island City,11101. www.wobblycity. org Starbucks Campaign: www.

Hudson Valley GMB: P.O. Box 48, Huguenot 12746, 845342-3405,, http://hviww.blogspot. com/ Syracuse IWW: Upstate NY GMB: P.O. Box 235, Albany 12201-0235, 518-833-6853 or 518-861-5627. www.upstate-nyiww. org,, Rochelle Semel, del., P.O. Box 172, Fly Creek 13337, 607-293-6489, Utica IWW: Brendan Maslauskas Dunn, del., 315-2403149. North Carolina Carolina Mountains GMB: P.O. Box 1005, 28802. 828407-1979. Greensboro GMB: P. O. Box 5022, 27435. 1-855-IWW-4GSO (855-499-4476). North Dakota Red River GMB:, redriveriww@gmail. com Ohio Mid-Ohio GMB: c/o Riffe, 4071 Indianola Ave., Columbus 43214. Northeast Ohio GMB: P.O. Box 141072, Cleveland 44114. 216-502-5325 Ohio Valley GMB: P.O. Box 6042, Cincinnati 45206, 513510-1486, Sweet Patches Screenprinting IU 410 Job Shop: Oklahoma Tulsa: P.O. Box 213, Medicine Park 73557, 580-529-3360 Oregon Lane GMB: Ed Gunderson, del., 541-743-5681. x355153@, Portland GMB: 2249 E Burnside St., 97214, 503-2315488., Portland Red and Black Cafe: 400 SE 12th Ave, 97214. 503-231-3899. www. Pennsylvania Lancaster IWW: P.O. Box 352, 17608. iwwlancasterpa@ Lehigh Valley GMB: P.O. Box 1477, Allentown, 181051477. 484-275-0873. www. Paper Crane Press IU 450 Job Shop: 610-358-9496., Pittsburgh GMB: P.O. Box 5912,15210. pittsburghiww@ Rhode Island Providence GMB: P.O. Box 5795, 02903. 508-367-6434. Tennessee Mid-Tennessee IWW: Lara Jennings, del., 106 N. 3rd St., Clarksville, 37040. 931-206-3656. Jonathan Beasley, del., 2002 Post Rd., Clarksville, 37043 931-220-9665. Texas Dallas & Fort Worth IWW: 1618 6th Ave, Fort Worth, 76104 El Paso IWW: Sarah Michelson, del., 314-600-2762. Golden Triangle IWW (Beaumont - Port Arthur): South Texas IWW: Utah Salt Lake City GMB: P.O. Box 1227, 84110. 801-8719057. Vermont Burlington GMB: P.O. Box 8005, 05402. 802-540-2541 Virginia Richmond IWW: P.O. Box 7055, 23221. 804-496-1568., Washington Bellingham: P.O. Box 1793, 98227. 360-920-6240. Tacoma GMB: P.O. Box 7276, 98401. Seattle GMB: 1122 E. Pike #1142, 98122-3934. 206-3394179. Wisconsin Madison GMB: P.O. Box 2442, 53701-2442. www. IUB 560 - Communications and Computer Workers: P.O. Box 259279, Madison 53725. 608-620-IWW1. Lakeside Press IU 450 Job Shop: 1334 Williamson, 53703. 608-255-1800. Jerry Chernow, del., jerry@ Madison Infoshop Job Shop:1019 Williamson St. #B, 53703. 608-262-9036 Just Coffee Job Shop IU 460: 1129 E. Wilson, Madison, 53703. 608-204-9011, Railroad Workers IU 520: 608-358-5771. railfalcon@ Milwaukee GMB: 1750A N Astor St., 53207. Trevor Smith, 414-573-4992 Northwoods IWW: P.O. Box 452, Stevens Point, 54481

April 2013 Industrial Worker Page 3


By Susan Dorazio In the first decade of the 20th century, agitation by women in the industrial parts of the world for their civil rights and for their rights as workers was gaining momentum. Inspired by this increased militancyand by the organizing in 1909 of National Womens Day by the Womens National Committee of the Socialist Party of Americathe Womens Congress of the Second International, meeting in Copenhagen in 1910, approved the call by German socialist Clara Zetkin and other delegates to create a Womens Day to foster international solidarity among socialist women. In contrast to the liberal movements for womens suffrage and workers rights, and in opposition to war and social injustice, International Womens Day would be firmly placed in the context of the global capitalist system, one that basically refuses to recognize, let alone heed, the needs and rights of women. In the last decade of the 20th century, another reawakening, also focusing on workers rights in the context of the range of womens roles in society, was occurring in the United States. For the better part of the 1990s, hundreds of child care workers, including myself, took part in a grassroots project called the Worthy Wage Campaign. Through fact-finding, consciousnessraising, marches, rallies, street festivals, letter-writing, and media contactand under the banner of Rights, Raises, and Respectwe confronted what was called the staffing crisis, and were determined to reverse it. Of immediate concern was the revolving door of miserably paid child care workers and the effect this has had on children and families. As this phenomenon started getting sorted out through data from centers and interviews with workers, certain facts became clear. First and foremost was that our low wages, lack of benefits and good working conditions were subsidizing the cost of child care, either to ease
The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the earth. We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever-growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers. These conditions can be changed and the interest of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or all industries if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all. Instead of the conservative motto, A fair days wage for a fair days work, we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, Abolition of the wage system. It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for the everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.

When Child Care Workers Fought Back

the burden on parwith our low pay, ents if there were low status, and a fees to pay, or on tendency to undergovernment whose value ourselves. spending priorities Unfortunately, invariably put huliberal politics won man services such out, and by 2002, as child care at the the Worthy Wage bottom of the list. Campaign was now As we got headquartered in deeper into our Washington, D.C., understanding of renamed the Centhe various crises ter for the Child in child care, many Care Workforce, of us started to unand officially a derstand their sysproject of the temic nature and mainstream Amerthe ways workers, ican Federation of families and comTeachers Educamunity members tional Foundation. were getting maEmpowerment for nipulated and pitradical change of Graphic: the relationship ted against each other. We would see that this was serving between workers, families and communito derail us from taking the kind of collec- tiesbased on full government funding for tive action that would really challenge and good wages and benefits, low child-staff transform capitalism, the root cause of the ratios, high quality facilities, support sercrises that riddles the care and education vices and free tuitionhad become a vague sectors. reference to a well-educated workforce, To find allies, some of us who par- receiving better compensation and a ticipated in the Worthy Wage Campaign voice in their workplace. worked hard to get the rights of child Meanwhile, in Scotland, the public care workers, families and children on sector nursery nurses, members of Unithe agenda of human rights, social justice son, were getting fed up with government and radical labor groups. At the same stone-walling on their own child care critime, those of us affiliated with the IWW, sis. The ruse of so-called professionalism socialist organizations, and/or womens that had undermined the militancy of the rights/liberation projects did the reverse Worthy Wage Campaign was playing itself (i.e., encouraged child care workers to get out in Scotland in the form of expanded involved with the broader movement for job descriptions but no pay increases for social change), since our issues were so the added responsibilities. In fact, there often the same. I had what I considered had been no salary review since 1988 in the extra advantage of being a socialist any of the Scottish councils in charge of feminist in an overwhelmingly female overseeing the nurseries. workforce. This helped me see my experiBy the end of 2003, between 4,000 ences as a child care worker from both a and 5,000 nursery nurses, disgusted by the class-based and a gender perspective. Oth- intransigence of both the councils and the ers, also, came to appreciate the fact that Convention of Scottish Local Authorities patriarchy and misogyny had a lot to do had voted for strike action that led to a he IWW is a union for all workers, a union dedicated to organizing on the job, in our industries and in our communities both to win better conditions today and to build a world without bosses, a world in which production and distribution are organized by workers ourselves to meet the needs of the entire population, not merely a handful of exploiters. We are the Industrial Workers of the World because we organize industrially that is to say, we organize all workers on the job into one union, rather than dividing workers by trade, so that we can pool our strength to fight the bosses together. Since the IWW was founded in 1905, we have recognized the need to build a truly international union movement in order to confront the global power of the bosses and in order to strengthen workers ability to stand in solidarity with our fellow workers no matter what part of the globe they happen to live on. We are a union open to all workers, whether or not the IWW happens to have representation rights in your workplace. We organize the worker, not the job, recognizing that unionism is not about government certification or employer recognition but about workers coming together to address our common concerns. Sometimes this means striking or signing a contract. Sometimes it means refusing to work with an unsafe machine or following the bosses orders so literally that nothing gets done. Sometimes it means agitating around particular issues or grievances in a specific workplace, or across an industry. Because the IWW is a democratic, member-run union, decisions about what issues to address and what tactics to pursue are made by the workers directly involved. TO JOIN: Mail this form with a check or money order for initiation and your first months dues to: IWW, Post Office Box 180195, Chicago, IL 60618, USA. Initiation is the same as one months dues. Our dues are calculated according to your income. If your monthly income is under $2000, dues are $9 a month. If your monthly income is between $2000 and $3500, dues are $18 a month. If your monthly income is over $3500 a month, dues are $27 a month. Dues may vary outside of North America and in Regional Organizing Committees (Australia, British Isles, German Language Area).

IWW Constitution Preamble

Join the IWW Today

__I affirm that I am a worker, and that I am not an employer. __I agree to abide by the IWW constitution. __I will study its principles and acquaint myself with its purposes.

Name:_________________________________ Address:_______________________________ City, State, Post Code, Country:________________ Occupation:_____________________________ Phone:_____________ Email:________________
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series of regional one- or two-day strikes, accompanied by rallies and demonstrations. By March 1, 2004, the nursery nurses were ready to engage in an all-out, indefinite strike for a national settlement on pay raises in line with their current job requirements and the importance of their work. Unfortunately, but predictably, the standard business union tactics of Unison not only failed to sufficiently support solidarity among the nursery nurses but failed to foster links between the nursery nurses and workers in other sectors, and between the nurses and their centers families and communities when more picket support and public outcry might well have changed the strikes outcome. Instead, the rallying cry for a national settlementbasic to the goal of equal pay for equal work and so vital to enabling the nursery nurses to maintain their resolve was dropped by Unison based on a pledge of a national review of pay and working conditions at some point in the future. This led to significant discrepancies between the pay settlements negotiated between the union and individual councils and, undoubtedly, to demoralization among the workers when the 12-week strike ended. Fast forward to London at the end of January 2013, when early years minister Elizabeth Truss proposed changes to child-staff ratios in child care centers in England, as well as the expansion of education requirements for the workers. In child care and other human service sectors this strategy usually works particularly well because it employs the mythology of success through individual effort and perseverance and platitudes about the importance of our work, while exploiting the workers collective dedication and compassion. At the same time, it promises families and tax payers that with one stroke of administrative genius, child care (or whatever) will be cost-effective and thus less burdensome. This is a sham, and workers, families and community activists need to say so via direct and coordinated actions. Child care workers and supporters must hammer away at the fact that wages, benefits, staffing ratios, appreciation of our efforts, and recognition and support of our skills and interests are prime determinants of quality child careand none of these factors should or need to get ignored. For those of us who participated in the Worthy Wage Campaign in the United States or the nursery nurses strike in Scotland, the ridiculous atomizing of quality child care that Truss proposal represents is an all-too-familiar tactic for diverting attention from those responsible for the wholly inadequate public funding of social services by cleverly focusing attention on the blameless. Truss and her ilk need to be told that we wont stand for their continual trade-off schemes, such as further education and training as a precondition for good wages and working conditions. By this time, we should know that quality care and quality jobs cannot be an either/or proposition. Ways must be found to enable them to occur simultaneously, and with the rights, needs, and final say of the staff at the core of this planning. By turning the spotlight, and turning up the heat, on purposely convoluted pseudo-solutions to serious social problems and on the rapid erosion of the public sector leading to the withering of social services, we will surely advance the struggle for the global unity of the working class. Furthermore, by remembering the courage and commitment of such women workers as those who participated in the Worthy Wage Campaign in the United States and the striking nursery nurses in Scotlandacting on behalf of all women and all workerswe honor the founders, and perpetuate the meaning, of International Womens Day in the best way possible.

Page 4 Industrial Worker April 2013

Taking Creative Action

By a Pizza Hut Worker There is no denying that organizing, and class struggle more generally, is hard workit can be boring and really tiring. However, we need to remember not to get stuck in a pattern that keeps it that way. There is no reason to stick to the old models of action. Lets be creative, lets try new things and most important of all lets encourage new fellow workers to come up with ideas and take the lead on them. While at Pizza Hut we got creative about taking action, over health and safety and over management belligerence. Sheffield Pizza Hut, 2012. Photo: Tristan Metcalfe My first example is how we dealt with poor safety standards, particularly oven it would be funny to catch us out. In front gloves. In the 10 years that I have worked of a manager and several other staff we at Pizza Hut, safety has always been is- didnt yet trust, he shouted out, Whats suethe burns on my arms can attest. this about, this strike next week then? Oven gloves with holes were a constant We had been caught, we hadnt issue. Despite it being raised by multiple planned for this. What would happen? I workers, multiple times, nothing was ever would be fired for sure. Would others be done. So we essentially created a game: too, had we just lost the lot? No, it was binning gloves! As we got in on each shift I quite the opposite. Management was deschecked gloves, and if they were sub-par, perate to talk to us. Suddenly we found they would end up in the bin. ourselves very popular and looked after. The trick to making it fun in this case Before we knew it our area manager came though was through involving other Pizza down to meet with us and tried to settle the Hut workers, active fellow workers or not. dispute, in his I am just one of you guys That meant taking a risk that they could manner. Obviously we didnt get what have dobbed us in, but the reality was we we wanted but we managed to sort some knew it was an issue that annoyed every- other issues around the moped drivers one. We also made a game of getting away safety gear. with it. At the core however, this action Tactics may sometimes come from was real and meaningful. It represents two where you least expect them. Keeping an classic tactics: dual power and workplace open mind about ways to deal with issues sabotage. Although both were on a small and not letting yourself be held back by scale, it meant a lot to workers in a histori- preconceptions of what falls under proper cally unorganized workplace. methods allows for some interesting reThe second example I would put for- sults. Central to this is remaining open ward was a matter of accidentally discover- at all times to the input of your fellow ing a weak spot. For some months, we had workers, using the skills around you and been trying to push through a grievance. A encouraging involvement. grievance forms a part of a labor dispute Neither of these examples came about in British employment law and in practice; spontaneously; they grew naturally out of it is a pretty decent way of putting your the culture of cooperation that we manbosses on notice. aged to build in our shop, or Wobblying Despite our best efforts to talk, we had the job. This is something that we can been completely ignored. So we began do as organizers before we even out to plan our next move. Our dispute was ourselves as such. The boss might want a over Bank Holiday pay, which is usually car driver to take a long delivery to keep time-and-a-half, but at Pizza Hut this is the times down and win themselves a cash standard pay, as well as delivery drivers bonus; the car driver doesnt want to be out commission, which they receive on a per of pocket on fuel. A moped rider can turn delivery basis. directly to the car driver, ignoring the boss, The plan was to organize a walk-out and offer to swap for their shorter delivery. on the next Bank Holiday, which would Depending on the workers and bosses inhave been on the day of the illustrious volved this may not work but it will always royal wedding (a nice note of celebration create a bond outside of the boss-worker if you ask me). However, the plan fell apart hierarchy, it is this bond which will see us when an unpopular loud mouth thought through any action, large or small.

Graphic: Mike Konopacki

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April 2013 Industrial Worker Page 5

Wobbly & North American News

By the OttawaOutaouais IWW Fifteen months is a long time for workers depending on minimum wage to wait for justice. On Feb. 20, the Ontario Ministry of Labour issued checks to IWW members Stephen Toth and Brandon Wallans, owed unpaid wages, in response to a long and arduous battle with a holdout employer. This satisfactory settlement is a message to other Ottawa employers that respecting their workers and paying them their wages is not optional, said Ahmed, an IWW member.

Ministry Issues Checks For Unpaid Wages

By Brendan Maslauskas Dunn The 9th Circuit Court of Ap peals in Seattle ruled in favor of Wobblies and other activists in a lawsuit against the U.S. Army. The case of Panagacos v. Towery was filed against the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), Department of Homeland Security Photo: Portland Indymedia Police & protestors face (DHS), and countless police agencies off at the Port of Olympia who were involved with infiltrating, in 2007. data mining and spying on many during George W. Bushs presidency and activists (see Remember, Remember, continued under current U.S. President The 5th Of November: IWW Legal Battle Barack Obama. With U.S. Army Rages On, November Attorney Larry Hildes represents the 2012 IW, page 5). plaintiffs and himself joined the IWW The case comes out of the street during the Redwood Summer campaign battles waged in the ports of Olympia, waged by environmentalists and timber Tacoma and Aberdeen, Wash., between workers to save Californias old growth 2006 and 2009. In November 2007, the redwood forests from the late 1980s to Port of Olympia was shut down by a direct the early 1990s. Hildes recently started action of hundreds of anti-war demon- the discovery process in the case to see strators connected with Port Militariza- what the scope and nature of the spying tion Resistance (PMR) who were resisting was. Two other attorneys recently joined the shipment of military vehicles through the case as well. Pacific Northwest ports. Wobblies from Olympia and Tacoma It was discovered in 2009 through were spied on, including the General Secpublic records requests that the activ- retary Treasurer of the IWW, Sam Green. ist John Jacob was actually John J. Its clear that the activists reliance on Towery II, an army operative connected direct action to disrupt the war effort and with a Fusion Center at nearby Joint Base effectively shut down the Port of Olympia Lewis-McChord. The records showed was the catalyst for the governments spy that Towery was not working alone in program in the region. The legal battle infiltrating and spying on the anti-war continues, as will the direct action. Deand anarchist movements in Washington. positions for the trial are expected to take This surveillance program was unleashed place this year.

Court Rules In Favor Of Wobblies, Activists Teachers Boycott Standardized Tests

By John Kalwaic On Jan. 9, teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle, Wash., launched a boycott of a state-mandated standardized test known as the Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP). Teachers at Garfield felt that MAP was unnecesprotest sary and took valuable Students in Seattle. time away from teaching. The administration of the school wants teachers to administer the MAP test; the school officials warned the teachers of disciplinary action for refusing to give the MAP test to students. Many teachers and students in other schools and around the United States feel the same way, that standardized tests are being overused. Teachers in other schools around the Seattle area have also joined in the boycott including the two largest teachers unions: the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, who have also shown support for the teachers at Garfield. The MAP comes from a new family of standardized test called high stakes testing, which is being pushed by an entire industry of test makers who are lobbying politicians. Other groups of teachers and stu dents began to boycott high stakes tests. In Massachusetts a coalition of 130 professors and researchers, including many from Harvard, Tufts, Boston and Brandeis Universities called for a boycott of the tests. The research committee had condemned their state reliance on tests, citing a nine-year study which concluded that high stakes testing did not improve education results. In Providence, R.I., the Providence Student Union condemned use of another high stakes test, the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP). Providence High School students staged a demonstration on Feb.

Stephen and Brandon are very happy with the result and look forward to helping other workers defend their rights on the job and fight wage theft. Wage theft is a growing trend among Graphic: bosses who decide not to pay some or all of the wages earned by their employees. These thefts can be fought by workers most effectively when they unite and take action, not just through formal legal channels but also by hitting the picket lines. For more information, visit: http://

Alaska IWW Pickets Plan To Curtail Rights

13 to protest NECAP by dressing up as zombies to bring to light the zombie-like education high stakes testing encourages. Demonstrators also claimed that less than 60 percent of Providence students would pass the NECAP. In Portland, Ore., members of the Photo: Portland Student Union (PSU) launched a campaign to opt-out of standardized tests. Members of PSU denounced the Oregon Knowledge and Assessment Test (OAK) and prompted students to opt-out of the OAK tests. Students can opt-out of many of these newly mandated high stakes standardized test as long as they have a note from their parents; in many cases, they have to make up for it with some other project. Some parents and students fear that they will not graduate if they do not take these tests, so the support for the test boycott is mixed. On Feb. 4, the day that the MAP test was administered at Garfield High School, very few students took the test seriously, and many had permission from their parents to opt-out of the test. Some refused to take the test while other students had their scores dismissed because they rushed through it. It is important to note that not every job action has to be based on wages and benefits; some can revolve around job-related issues, even ones that dont directly affect the workers. Students are the most important part of a teachers job, so concern for them is of the utmost importance especially in these times where austerity measures threaten the livelihood of both teachers and students. Rigidity, zero tolerance policies, teacher evaluations and high stakes testing all threaten teachers and students alike. With files from U.S.News & World Report, The Washington Post, and From the Alaska IWW Heres a photo from the Alaska soonto-be-branch. This is from Feb. 15, when the group joined other union members in protesting a citywide plan which would limit pay increases, extinguish the right to strike and hand the final decision on stalled labor negotiations to the Anchorage Assembly rather than a third-party arbitrator.

Photo: Chris White

Indiana IWW: Overcoming Obstacles And Making Progress

By Michael White, General Secretary of the Indiana IWW The last time I wrote in to update everyone on what we were doing here in Indiana we had just had our first all-state meeting at the end of November (see Indiana IWW Holds First All-State Meeting, January/February 2013 IW, page 5). Since then we have made quite a bit of progress. In fact it is amazing considering where we were in November. It has all been very fun, we are doing a lot of good work and making new connections, but it has also been a lot of hard work and late nights. On Feb. 17 we were approved for our General Membership Branch (GMB) charter and we were approved for our first sponsored job shop, Celestial Panther Publishing. We currently have a membership list that is in the 50s and growing; it was bolstered in the first few months due to the support we raised from the Wobbly Tour of Indiana that FW Hope Asya and I took in early October 2012. We have elected officers and more delegates. We currently have 10 delegates throughout the state of Indiana. Among many other activities, I and the other officers of the branch have spent many hours organizing contact lists by Industrial Union number, mapping out our membership, maintaining the Facebook page, and keeping in regular contact with fellow workers using all platforms. Our new delegates have been instrumental in the success we have had. They have been coordinating between each other, contacting the membership, staying in contact with myself as the General Secretary and talking to new workers each day. The membership that we have has been very active so farthey come from all over the state, and many of them want to organize their workplace. We have held meetings on the third Saturday of every month since November. Our December meeting had the lowest attendance with only 17 present; January we managed 28 people; and in February we had 32 people attend. We think December was low in attendance due to travelling, bad weather and general holiday season woes. We also managed to secure a place to hold our GMB monthly meetings for the foreseeable future, which was a major problem for us from month-to-month. We think that with the new space and the regular meeting time/date, we should have increasingly better turnouts. Some of the biggest problems we have faced are most apparent when organizing throughout an entire state. The distance between people is always an issue, but that

shouldnt be as much of a problem now because we have 10 delegates throughout the state to sign up new members and meet people. We dealt with it in the past by making the Facebook page, creating an Indiana IWW email list, and driving out to meet people face-to-face in their town or city. Another problem has been how to connect with people who are not on Facebook. This was solved by using email to contact those people, by making phone number contact lists, and continu- February GMB meeting. Photo: Hope Asya ously meeting with and talking to members and workers. Of course another ling with my friends and fellow workers, issue is that people generally do not know meeting new people, and singing Solithat an IWW branch exists or is actively darity Forever in a room full of 32 Wobs organizing within the state. To get the more than makes up for all the effort. As for right now, some of our plans word out about our branch we have done as much as possible, by handing out flyers, for the future include a publication for the putting up posters, using silent agitators, Indiana IWW, which we are in the proconnecting with people on Facebook and cess of hammering out, and also we are Twitter, talking to any and all workers that planning a May Day rally in Indianapolis. we can, holding call-out meetings in differ- So far we have gotten much of the early ent locales and other such outreach efforts. paperwork figured out and turned in and There have been other minor troubles of we have been contacting other groups, course; coordinating things, trying to get unions, and people to spread the word in contact with people, waiting on things, and get as many people out as possible. and the dreaded paperwork. But the prob- We plan to have speakers, food and fun. lems have been nothing compared to the If anybody is in the Indianapolis area satisfaction of overcoming them. Travel- around May Day, come find us!

Page 6 Industrial Worker April 2013


Requiem For A Campaign

By Grace Parker Oftentimes as workplace organizers, we have a difficult time admitting our mistakes. We are driven and strong-willed, and though these attributes often aid us in the struggle, they can also hold us back from self-reflection and acknowledgment of our flaws. As Wobblies, how do we cope with the realization that our entire campaign was perhaps a mistake from the start? For one, we view the situation as a learning opportunity. There is no such thing as a failed campaign, for although we may pull ourselves out of a workplace without making clear, concrete gains on the shop floor, we also take away many valuable lessons regarding ourselves, our branches, and the IWW as a whole. These lessons must be passed on to fellow organizers in the union in order to facilitate a culture of skill-sharing, and hopefully, if done correctly, the union will not make the same mistakes twice. Secondly, ending a campaign is not just a union issue; it is a matter of great personal importance for the organizers involved. We put our blood, sweat and tears into an organizing drive, and if we fail to sort out our feelings as we disengage from a campaign, we are setting ourselves up for failure in our proceeding endeavors. In order to succeed in the struggle long-term, it is just as important for us to face our personal issues as it is to reflect on our organizing. In this piece, I will attempt to address both of these aspects in relation to the recently halted grocery store campaign in the Twin Cities General Membership Branch (GMB). Organizational Lessons The core organizers, including myself, had already been working at the grocery stores for at least a year, and we joined the IWW in the wake of the Jimmy Johns Workers Union (JJWU) campaign going public. It was an exciting time to be a Wobbly in Minneapolis. There were direct actions, events, and parties every week. Optimism was in the air, and there was a general feeling that we could succeed in any organizing endeavor. Before joining the IWW, I had never considered building a union in my workplace. Even for the first couple months of membership, I held onto the belief that the grocery store was not really a target for organizing, and I preferred the idea of doing solidarity work with Jimmy Johns and other fast food organizing drives. Those workers were fighting for basic things such as higher wages and sick daysthat which we already enjoyed at the grocery stores. I did not think that a union was necessary, a view that changed over time as I learned more about the IWW and the class struggle. Then in late October 2010, I was at a house party following the JJWU National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election loss. A group of five or six grocery store workers, including myself, had formed a circle and were talking about what a union drive would look like in our workplaces. Two of us were already Wobblies and the rest were clearly union supporters. It was during this conversation that we decided we were going to try to form a union for the Twin Cities grocery store workers. There was little forethought and very little research that went into the decision, something that is extremely important to the start of a campaign. Instead, we were just a group of kids drinking beers at a party who thought that the Jimmy Johns union was cool, and we figured that it would be cool if we did the same thing too. When we came to the branch in December 2010 asking to become an official IWW campaign, there was no existing Industrial Organizing Committee (IOC) for food and retail workers in the Twin Cities. That body would not be formed for another three months. Instead, we had to go in front of the entire GMB to announce ourselves, a task that was somewhat intimidating for us as brand new members. Ad-


ditionally, by telling our entire GMB about our campaign, it created the impression that we were much farther along in our organizing than we actually were. Fellow workers became incredibly excited about the campaign, and many were convinced that it was the new campaign following the JJWUs NLRB loss. This brings up an interesting point about the use of resources in the union. We typically think of these as financial or material, but there are also emotional resources that exist within the union, meaning that fellow workers put time and energy into thinking about and supporting a campaign and its organizers. By telling the entire branch about our organizing, as well as NOT telling them about the flaws and stagnation within the campaign, we became an emotional drain on the branch and the international. It also created a sense of guilt amongst the organizers, which was an emotional drain on us as well. This is something to keep in mind for future projects. Not only did our campaign fail to communicate directly and effectively with the branch, we also failed to communicate with each other. Oftentimes, we were not open or direct when issues arose. Sometimes these issues were personal, and they would boil under the surface until they occasionally blew up. More often however, the issues were organizational. Without clear communication, we were unable to have solid, consistent meetings, and it was difficult to follow up with each other on assigned tasks. There was often a lack of honesty in reporting progress in each store, leading others to believe that we were further along than we actually were. If we had been honest and open with each other and ourselves, we could have made more progress in organizing. Alternatively, we could have realized much sooner that this campaign was going nowhere, and we could have redirected our energies to a different project that was more worth our time. Coming back to the subject of IOCs: if your branch has at least four workers in a given industry and you are actively organizing, I highly recommend forming an IOC. I dont care if your branch only has 10 active members; just start an IOC already. For one, shop-talk has no place at a GMB meeting. Anyone off the street can come to an IWW branch, meaning that any culture of discretion that has been created is negated. IOCs should be open only to IWW members, and preferably those who work in that specific industry, thus preserving the privacy of campaigns and individual fellow workers. Also, GMB meetings can be long, boring, and tedious, which can quickly turn a co-worker off from the union if it is their first exposure to the IWW. Instead, bringing them to an IOC meeting is empowering. They get to

meet other union members who are in a similar life situation, which makes them feel less isolated. When facilitated in the right way, an IOC creates a safe space to talk about working conditions, organizing, and the industry in a way that cannot occur at a GMB meeting. Our grocery store campaign was unique in that it was one of the first campaigns that came to the Twin Cities IWW and stuck around, instead of being chosen by the branch in a purposeful way. This created some interesting dynamics. For one, there was no need for us to salt into the stores, and we already had established relationships with our co-workers. We had existing contact lists, social and physical mapping was a breeze, and in some ways a few of us were already social leaders in our workplaces. However, this led to some problems. The first issue was that we immediately began to organize within our existing social groups in our own departments. In less than two weeks, grocery store W already had around six workers take out red cards. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, it was not that easy. All of these workers were from the same social group in the same department. It quickly became clear that, although these workers were agitated about their conditions, many of them only signed cards and came to meetings because their friends were. It felt cliquish, which meant that it became harder to bring in new workers who were not a part of that social group, and meetings quickly devolved into complaining sessions amongst friends. Most importantly, when these workers realized that union organizing meant much more than bitching about work and going to parties, they dropped off the map. As organizers, we learned that while existing friendships in the workplace can sometimes be useful in a campaign, they are no substitute for true agitation, education and organization. Another issue that arose from the fact that we came to the IWW instead of the IWW coming to us was that, in hindsight, the grocery stores were just not great targets. While my own department had many issues surrounding pay and management, the majority of workers in the stores actually have it relatively good. The material conditions at the grocery stores are some of the best in the Twin Cities. Wages are the same, if not better, than United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) grocery stores. Now, Im not saying that everything is wonderful and sunny and covered with rainbows, but compared to the rest of the class in our industry, its a fairly cushy job. At Jimmy Johns, for example, it is easy to agitate co-workers about issues surrounding pay because minimum wage sucks. But earning $10 to $13 per hour at a grocery store when you are a 20-something years old without a college degree is

a bit harder to agitate around. It still sucks, but the it-could-be-worse mentality is extremely prevalent. Additionally, from the unions perspective, the grocery stores are not strategic in the greater picture of the struggle. While they are a major part of life in the Twin Cities (for a certain socioeconomic group that much of the GMB is a part of), the grocery store campaign had a limited ability to create a greater impact within the class. For example, the JJWU campaign not only affected Minneapolis, it also started a ripple effect that touched fast food workers across the country. But these grocery stores are part of an incredibly niche sector of the food chain. The potential for creating a greater splash in the industry was negligible. Also, the workforce largely consists of downwardly mobile middle class white people, a demographic that by no means lacks representation within our union. Because of these factors, it is highly doubtful that the Twin Cities GMB would have ever sought out an organizing drive at the grocery stores. But since we came to the IWW instead of the other way around, the campaign took hold. The branch was excited that a group of workers had decided on their own to organize with the IWW, and that it was finally big enough and visible enough to bring new folks around without having to seek us out. But I also believe that this excitement stemmed from the successes of the Jimmy Johns campaign. Twin Cities Wobblies were still riding the JJWU high, and they were eager to jump onto the first opportunity that came at them. Unfortunately, that excitement also clouded our strategic judgment. Im not arguing that we should say no to groups of workers that come to the union for help. That would also be un-strategic and just plain silly. Instead, I believe that the grocery store campaign is a good lesson in setting boundaries and being honest with each other. Instead of continuing to work on a campaign that was bound to die from the start, we should have had some serious conversations about why we want to organize and what we are trying to get out of it. We were brand new to workplace organizing, and someone needed to have those discussions with us. Its a tricky situation and a difficult conversation to have, but it would ultimately have been beneficial for the branch, the union, and us as organizers. Some fellow workers have pointed out that we as organizers should not abandon the grocery store campaigns because they are low-hanging fruit in the sense that they are doing very well business-wise, are socially tied to our existing networks, are a winnable size, and that a victory in the stores would put the Twin Cities IWW firmly on the labor map. With all due respect to those making these arguments, I would have to disagree. While its true that these stores are doing incredibly well financially, because of the unique nature of the ownership structure, many workers and other members of the community feel as though they actually have a stake in the economic success of the businesses. I will not go into further detail as doing so would easily identify the stores in question, but this mentality has greatly influenced organizing on the shop floor, and if the campaign were ever to go public, it would also affect the communitys reaction towards unionization in a negative way. In response to the statement that a clear victory would put the IWW on the Twin Cities labor map, I would argue that the campaign at Jimmy Johns was incredibly successful in that sense, and that further campaigns in that sector would achieve the same desired effect as a campaign at the grocery stores. Im not particularly interested in putting in more time and effort into attempts at radicalizing the petty-bourgeoisie in South Minneapolis. An issue that has risen in the Twin Continued on next page

April 2013 Industrial Worker Page 7


Requiem For A Campaign

The Twin Cities GMB rallies in 2010.

Continued from previous page Cities GMB is our affiliation with the South Minneapolis youth subculture. The Jimmy Johns campaign was closely tied with the punk and bicycle scenes, which was not necessarily a negative thing, but it definitely made it more difficult to organize outside of those social groups. However, it did bring in many new members, including myself. The issue now is that we are having a hard time reaching into other segments of the working class. The grocery store campaign did nothing to help with this issue. The subcultural identities of workers at Jimmy Johns and at the grocery stores are very similar and the social scenes often overlap. The Twin Cities GMB is becoming, or already has become, the union for young, hip 20-somethings in Minneapolis. Of course, that is not a completely realistic picture of our branch, but it is what the public sees. We want to be seen as a union for ALL workers, which is what we are in theory, but unless we actively work to make that a reality, we will forever be raising money at punk shows and dance parties attended by largely white, downwardly-mobile middle class kids. On a similar note, I think it is important to reflect on the differences between those who stayed around in the union from the grocery store campaign and those who came and went. I would put the total number of workers who either signed a red card or came to a committee meeting at around 30 since December 2010, but now the current number is around six. Two of those remaining workers salted into the campaign and were previously highly involved in the IWW and had experience in workplace organizing. The rest of us worked there before the campaign began. What prevented the other 24 workers from sticking around? Some moved to other cities, some quit or were fired and got new jobs, and others just dropped out of the committee. None of these are valid excuses that we as organizers can make. Most workers who moved away went to Portland or New York, both cities with IWW branches to plug into. And if we are organizing correctly, workers should be going to another job and organizing there as well. Once again, this stems back to our lackluster attempts at agitation, education, and organization. However, the most important workers who fell off the grid are the ones who are still working in the grocery stores. What made them not want to participate? Of course, I cannot speak for all of the workers, and there are probably various reasons why they left that they are not willing to disclose to us. But I know that at least one worker was turned off by the party culture that has developed amongst food and retail Wobblies in the Twin Cities. The post-meeting drinking that often occurs made this worker feel uncomfortable, and although I suspect that there were other contributing factors that I will refrain from delving into, it was enough to make this fellow worker want to renounce their involvement with the IWW and the grocery store campaign. Ironically,

since this worker dropped out, our IOC has drastically cut down on our post-meeting parties for reasons unrelated to this workers departure from the union. However, the incident is still a lesson in the importance of creating sober spaces and non-late night social activities. That being said, workers who were the most involved Photo: with the campaign at various stages also had the strongest social ties to the Twin Cities GMB. I think this reflects as much on us as organizers as it does on the workers. We often fell into the trap of letting our socializing do the organizing for us, and when the balance between socializing and organizing falls too heavily on the former, the worker is not going to have the skills or knowledge of the IWW to become an organizer themselves in the fullest capacity. When they leave the shop, which is a common occurrence in the highturnover food and retail industry, its likely that their union involvement will wane as well. Another grocery store campaign is in the process of developing a mentorship program within their shop committee, and I think that something of that nature could have been extremely helpful to our campaign. However, at the height of the campaign in my shop last summer, I know that I did not have an adequate level of political education or organizing experience to be able to serve as a mentor for a new member. In such a case, the IOC would be a great resource to use. Thus far, I have only discussed negative aspects of the campaign that we can learn from, but there were many positives as well that I do not wish to gloss over. One of the most successful outcomes was that we built up four solid union members who previously had very little-to-no experience in workplace organizing. Not only did we gain valuable skills, but we also grew as radical, class-conscious workers. We now have knowledge that we can bring with us to new campaigns and projects, and we can share our experiences with others in the IWW. We became strong, committed members of our branch, and we have also become involved in the politics of the international, whether through the founding and administration of Food and Retail Workers United, working as branch Organizing Department liaisons, writing for the Industrial Worker, or by becoming trainers. Without the grocery store campaign, there is a good chance that most, if not all, of us would have dropped out of the union following the height of the JJWU campaign. The grocery stores gave us something to plug into, a project to call our own. The best way for workers to stay involved in the IWW is to organize, and thats what we did. Another reason that I am proud of our campaign is that it was started, led, and ultimately finished by women and gender-queer fellow workers. Because of this, our committee was predominantly made up of non-males. Wobblies from other branches often ask me why the Twin Cities GMB has so many women who are involved, and my answer to that is that we already have a strong non-male presence, and that in turn makes it easier for new women and non-gender conforming folks to join and become involved. It may seem like a chicken-or-the-egg situation, but its really not that difficult. Non-male identified organizers are better at organizing non-male identified workers. Its that simple. Im not saying that men cant also organize these workers or be great allies;

its just that we are better at it. I have seen this firsthand, and I firmly believe it to be true. Some may disagree with this statement, but I would challenge those folks to look at the gender makeup of the Twin Cities GMB, and then compare it to their own branches. Which branch has more involved and committed women and gender-queer organizers? With few exceptions, the answer is going to be the Twin Cities. Of course, we still have a long way to go in terms of achieving gender equality within our branch, but I would say that we have built a solid foundation. So, my message to all the union ladies and non-gender conforming rebel workers out there is GO OUT AND ORGANIZE. Seriously. Your branch will thank you, the union will thank you, and you will thank yourself.

Personal Lessons I often view the grocery store campaign as a child. My fellow organizers and I brought this child into the world, and as a consequence, it had to be nurtured or it would die. Ultimately, we were bad parents, as the campaign failed in many respects. We did not do our best to raise it in the best possible way. It was often neglected, and that is part of the reason why it did not mature into a fully functioning campaign. During the meeting in July 2012 when we decided to end the campaign, the words that I actually used to describe my feelings were throwing our baby into the garbage. This is indeed a graphic and disturbing analogy, but I cannot deny that this was how I felt. I had become incredibly attached to the idea of unionizing at the grocery stores. I had been around these stores my entire life (my mother has worked in that industry since the mid-1980s), and it became a very personal struggle for me. The changes that have been occurring in the grocery stores for the past 5 to 10 years were, in my mind, not only attacks on the workers and working conditions, but also attacks on my childhood and all of the work that my mother and her peers put in throughout the years. It is difficult to describe, but I believe that this feeling contributed greatly to my attachment to the campaign. Thus, there is a sense of guilt that I have about abandoning our organizing. We often only speak of organizing in logistical terms. In trainings, we are inoculated about issues that we will face in a campaign, but it is usually only in a practical sense. As Wobblies, we often gloss over the personal stresses on our emotions and mental well-being that arise as we organize. Over the course of the grocery store campaign, I came to realize that addressing these issues are just as important as learning how to run a meeting, how to have a one-on-one meeting with a fellow worker, or asking someone to join the union. For example, after a particularly heightened point of struggle in my shop, a co-worker was fired. We learn how to do a march on the boss or file an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) complaint, but we are never taught how to deal with the emotional fallout of such a situation. I now bear the burden of responsibility for this co-workers firing, and that fact is forever on my conscience. I was the one who agitated her, I was the one who convinced her to participate in an action, and as a result, she lost her job. Im trying to come to terms with this, and it is an issue that I will have to continue to work out emotionally Logo for Food and Retail Workers United.

for some time to come. We need to be better at collectively addressing these sorts of situations, and I think writing about our experiences is a great way to do that. My involvement in the grocery store campaign also led to some serious mental health issues in my life. Last year, I was going to school full-time, working 25 to 30 hours a week, and organizing on my job. Between classes, homework, wage work, one-on-ones, meetings almost every night, and keeping up with my social life as a 20-year-old, things were going faster than I could keep up. I loved it and thrived on it, but it was incredibly demanding physically. Instead of taking a step back and trying to cut something out, which is what I should have done, I turned to less-than-natural ways to cope with the situation. By the end of summer 2011, I was completely addicted to Adderall, and I couldnt function without it. When I first began using at the beginning of 2011, it seemed like a godsend. I could do everything and I was on top of the world, but it eventually caught up with me. As I continued to use, my body would adjust to the dosage and I would have to keep taking more and more. I was barely eating, lost close to 30 pounds, and even collapsed during a meeting as a result of a panic attack. I realized that not only was I hurting myself and those close to me, my dependence was also affecting the grocery store campaign. Sure, I was doing some hardcore organizing and direct actions, but what I didnt realize was that everyone, including my co-workers, could see that I was in an altered state. Who would want to join a union when the organizer is in an induced manic episode? By September 2011, I was off of the medication, but as a result I experienced an immense drop in energy and drive. The campaign at my store stagnated, and my work in the branch tapered off until I was barely holding on. Once you get into that state, it is hard to pull yourself out. It wasnt until Work Peoples College this past July that I felt like I had finally rebounded from that low point. The lesson here is that we need to watch out for our fellow workers, not only on the shop floor, but in our personal lives as well. Our current society teaches us to go harder, longer, and more intensely than we should, and in our fight against capitalism, we must also confront those unrealistic bourgeois expectations. In conclusion, the grocery store campaign, despite its flaws, was in a sense incredibly successful. The IWW doesnt just organize shops, it organizes people and it builds up workers into radical militant unionists. The grocery store campaign created a space in the Twin Cities GMB for that to occur. It also taught us valuable lessons about what not to do in an organizing campaign. Through our mistakes, we have become better organizers and we now have the opportunity to share those lessons with others in the union, as well as to bring our skills to new union projects. In the aftermath of the grocery store campaign, we are now equipped to build the union in a more purposeful and organized way.


Page 8 Industrial Worker April 2013


A Primer On Anarcho-Syndicalism For All To Read

Fighting For Ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle. London: Solidarity Federation and Freedom Press, 2012. Paperback, 124 pages, 6. By Lou Rinaldi The new book from the U.K.-based anarcho-syndicalist group, Solidarity Federation (SolFed), is an excellent primer on anarcho-syndicalism for those interested in the subject. What SolFed has done is put together something concise and readable that isnt clotted with jargon and slogans. While the IWW has never been an anarchist organization, SolFeds form of syndicalism clearly takes influence from the IWWs work developing a democratic union. Bringing Our Politics Up To Date The purpose of this text isnt to give us a history lesson, necessarily, but to give us tools to analyze methods and practice and assess how well they worked. Solidarity Federation remarks early in the text that they are not in search of blueprints but inspiration, looking for a revolutionary theory [that] keeps pace with practical realities and remains relevant [...] to our everyday lives. To many both in our milieus and out, unions, including revolutionary unions, are an anachronism of the Old Left and the failed workers movements of the past. But for SolFed, the important thing to remember is what has been effective, not for securing our place within the confines of capitalism, but to push beyond them and to not separate our revolutionary politics from our day-to-day organizing. For Wobblies in the shop, we soon find that we cant hide who we are and be successful. Were a revolutionary union and we want the abolition of the wage system. We dont lead every situation with the black and red, but it informs why and how we organize the Wobbly way. SolFed puts forth an analysis of the material conditions that existed previous to the present and how this has culminated into the crisis of today. They focus specifically on the casualization of labor since the late 1970s, and taking astute notes from the past, SolFed puts forward the idea of organizing not only on the shop floor but through grievance-based solidarity networks. Rather than have separate organizations, they believe we should do this work through our own unions. For the IWW, initiatives like this can be seen in the establishment of new commitments to industrial organization like the IWWs Food and Retail Workers United. Efforts like this will hopefully open up opportunities not limited to a shop-by-shop approach, but a true union for all workers. In this respect SolFeds book articulates theory and practice already being undertaken by some parts of our organization. Our Organizing Is A Revolutionary Practice One aspect I think is important in this book is its commitment to having politics. In particular, Fighting For Ourselves affirms that the practice of solidarity unionism is a commitment to having revolutionary politics. It is our revolutionary practice, and it is the historically most useful revolutionary practice of the workers movement. In particular, SolFed advocates that the best aspect of an organization like a union is its associative rather than its representative function. This is one of the most useful political statements that we as a union can adopt. At its very core it means we are the union, but it goes beyond this into a broader political argument for shop-floor direct action as opposed to contract fights. For SolFed, and similar to the way the IWW has practiced unionism, the associative function of a union is the means by which workers relate to one another. SolFed describes this as the most basic way a union is f orme d : w o rke rs have power together, so they show solidarity Graphic: together. The other function, the representative function, is when unions become bureaucracies by which workers are represented to the boss. Their critique of this type of unionism is that it believes in the legitimacy of having a class-based society and it often waters down its politics to simply bread-and-butter issues without a larger social program. The IWW does neither. Despite an almost nonstop critique of the IWW, from both Left groupings and the Rightthat our failing has been not going for contractswe can turn this into our strength and SolFeds book helps us articulate this. They argue that an approach that emphasizes building the union into a representational organization, by mediating labor and management through a contract, actually hurts organizations ability to have active and militant memberships. It makes them reliant on bureaucracies and minimizes militancy to the contract. Weve seen the results in the AFL-CIO. By joining together as workers, on the other hand, that push for a revolutionary politic in our everyday lives, we change the very dialogue on what a union can and should

be. Furthermore, we become a more realistic organization, one that understands ebbs and flows of struggle, rather than a number-obsessed party-building union. Recommended Reading Fighting For Ourselves is a good read that IWW members should consider picking up. Perhaps what struck me the most about it was that despite some disagreements here or there, it presents a call to organize in accessible terms. It took complex systems and broke them down for me. It could potentially become a good educational tool for IWW members, because as we move forward as an organization we need to not just recruit members, we need to create Wobblies. As an organization this means we need to become a thinking organization that is not afraid to have political conversations. Fighting For Ourselves is the type of book I would recommend as a follow-up to classics like Rudolph Rockers AnarchoSyndicalism: Theory and Practice. I think the two would complement each other well in succession. We should be taking in books like this, as well as other readings, and incorporating them into our educational and organizing practices. Printed materials like Weakening the Dam, Direct Unionism, and Dismantling Capitalism, Dismantling Patriarchy, should all be recommended reading for us. Wobblies should also be interested in learning about our history so that we can move forward. Check out Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism about the syndicalist movement worldwide, or Truth and Revolution: A History of the Sojourner Truth Organization, 19691986. We all know that you have to think before you act, and so we should. Fighting For Ourselves is available from thoughtcrime ink, an IWW printing collective in Edmonton, Canada. Their website is

Continued from 1 demands are to eliminate the canvass director position; obtain worker/union control over hiring and firing; make it an all-union shop in which new canvassers would have one month to join the union; have vacation/sick pay and medical coverage; and get a rotating union rep on the collective to protect the canvassers. They also want a small base pay raise, which if met would still be below the industry standard, and common sense items like professional van maintenance.

Wobblies Organize, Strike At Nonprofit In Minneapolis

strategy, with FW Luke Welke declaring his disgust that the collective could ask us to betray our friend and fellow worker who we work with every day and still believe that they are negotiating in good faith. The bosses extreme response, while typical, took many by surprise since the organization prides itself as being radical and anti-authoritarian. Some workers quit other higher-paying canvassing jobs to work for Sisters Camelot because they believed in the organizations mission, but have become disillusioned by disrespectful and often paranoid treatment from the collective. FW Shuge, the fired worker, said, I love Sisters Camelot, but its clear that the collective has turned into the very thing we built it not to be. Public reactions have been mixed but largely favorable toward the union, with a large outpouring of verbal and material support for the strikers. However, an anti-union community statement was circulated and signed by a group of local activists, claiming to call for mediation, while repeating the bosses rationale on every single point, even supporting the antiunion firing. An angered Wobbly called the collective an autonomous union-busting collective in response. The bosses argue that a union is inappropriate since, they say, this is not U.S. Steel, and claim, there are no bosses here. They also claim that canvassers could join the collective if they wanted. Canvassers who have worked before on the collective complain of demeaning and hostile treatment and the collectives failure to meet their needs, which is why they unionized and are demanding more autonomy and workplace democracy. Whats Ahead The dispute has been a sobering, at

Escalation & Reactions After the strike began on March 1, both sides sent press releases and made phone calls back and forth. When the union offered to meet for negotiations again via phone, the collective claimed they could not meet or make any decisions as a collective until their regular meeting on Monday, March 4, and invited the workers to meet then. The collective then proceeded to meet over the weekend without informing Becker, the pro-union canvass director and collective member, thereby violating their own consensus process. When workers and union supporters arrived at the meeting, the collective read a statement in which they complained of being forced into a boss role, then fired Shuge Mississippi, a striking worker and ex-collective member who they accused of manipulating other workers into unionizing. The bosses also offered in a carrot-and-stick manner to let one canvasser immediately join the collective, and made it easier for others to apply for membership (ignoring the larger causes and blaming the conflict on one troublemaker). The workers walked out dazed, but galvanized to remain united in the face of managements divide-and-conquer

times painful experience for the workers, who despite being on strike and faced with vicious smearing and divide-and-conquer tactics, have been hesitant to escalate due to strong emotional ties to the organization. The union has shown strong support for the strike, as FW John Snortum explained: The larger union has done everything from attending meetings and giving us advice to taking notes and facilitating. As well Sisters Camelot workers march on Photo: Bridget Laurenson as an amazing fund - the collective on Feb. 25. raising effort the union has helped us in inspire and empower other fellow workers outreach to the public, media, and other in similar situations to take action and IWW branches. And most importantly has bring justice to their workplace. kept us grounded and stable on our views Meanwhile the strikers have been and beliefs that remind us that we are do- impressively united and remain hopeful ing the right thing. for a quick victory. While being a small This in contrast to the collectives re- shop and taking many by surprise as a sponse, said Snortum: The collective has hot shop, in which there were no salts reacted in a way that clearly demonstrates and there was no external prodding by the that [they] are unwilling to give up any union, the strike is the biggest thing for the power over us that they have. They have Twin Cities branch since the Jimmy Johns made clear that they are not following Workers Union campaign in 2010-2011. A their own rules and are willing to lie on win at Sisters Camelot could be a big boost top of that. Although I knew this was all for the whole union, while a loss could possible, I did have more faith in the col- prove deeply demoralizing. Additionally, lective and didnt actually expect us to go the union drive raises questions about down this path. what constitutes a worker-run collective Asked about the campaigns prospects, and workplace democracy. Snortum added: In the short term I want When asked what message the strikto see recognition of the whole union so we ers would like to convey to the rest of the can begin negotiations and end the strike. union, the public, and the bosses, FW Long term, aside from Camelot continu- Snortum simply said, Solidarity all the ing to prosper, I hope our campaign can way.

April 2013 Industrial Worker Page 9


A Reform Of The Money System Is Needed

Robertson, James. Future Money: Breakdown Or Breakthrough? Totnes Devon, U.K.: Green Books, 2012. Paperback, 208 pages, 14.95. By John Maclean The unspoken purposes of the money system from its origins to the present time can be seen as being: to transfer wealth from poorer and weaker to richer and more powerful people and countries, andas far as possibleto conceal this in mystery, myth and technical tricks of the trade. In recent centuries two further purposes have evolved: to develop the technical, economic and military power of nations in competition with one another; and, in pursuing that aim to exploit the resources of the planet to the maximum extent. - James Robertson In Future Money: Breakdown Or Breakthrough? James Robertson writes that our elected and unelected rulers are not able to get us out of the messes theyve landed us in. Robertson believes that the current money system needs to be radically altered, because, as it is, its motivations are leading us towards a combined collapse of the interacting systemsecological, social, and economicon which we depend. He sees a connection between the decolonization struggles of the last century, and the present-felt needs of people everywhere to free themselves from the dominating, exploitative, unjust, alien burden[s] of too-big-to-fail money changers. Government cannot avoid deciding how money works; through its primary and corrective money functions it exerts a dominating effect on flows in any economy. Its three primary money functions are providing the money supply, raising public revenue and spending it; when these are managed poorly the corrective functions include borrowing, and an increasingly costly regulation of private sector finance. The way money is created and used shouldnt imperil the future of life. In his historical overview of the money system Robertson writes of patterns and tricks that have long been with us. The most significant pattern has been the collaboration between rulers and commercial profit-making businesses to keep people dependent on the money they create and control. This enforced dependence has remained, over time, from the owl of Minervas coins of 5th Century Athens, to the unending floods of paper money under Kublai Kahn, written about by Marco Polo, all the way down to the present privileged international position of the U.S. dollar. Another noticeable pattern is that the creator of the money would secure the

Grand Rapids Call Center Workers Win Union Election

money than Krasula would like to invest in the call center, but there is that familiar and infuriating irony that he has no trouble spending money on a union-busting firm. For six weeks, the firm ran a textbook campaign, distributing numerous propaganda flyers and emails. Their human resources expert, Vrsula, was in the office almost every day, conducting lengthy meetings with the workers that the bosses knew would be easy to Call center workers celebrate. Photo: Nick Morse win to their side. To us, their campaign came off as desperate and grasping at weak Continued from 1 client servicesand announce these open or contradictory arguments, but fear is positions to the current staff before post- stronger than reason sometimes. These ing them for the general public; to update union busters knew exactly what they had the decade-plus old computers and chairs to do. Their strongest tactic was to turn in the call center; to create mutually people against each other, sew discord in agreeable procedures for grievances and the office, and make the campaign miserfor regularly scheduled consideration able for everyone, so they would associate for raises; and to give call center workers those feelings with the union. We would who regularly work 40-plus hours official have been more immune to these tactics full-time status. We arent asking for had our timing been a little bit different. more money for ourselves but demanding It just so happened that three new call newer work equipment and a reduction in center workers had been hired shortly workload for client services. This is more before we submitted our petition and a couple others had been working there for less than a year, which represented about half of the workforce. We had always run a slow-burning campaign, in which we would spend a long time building relationships and trust with people before telling them about the union. The people on our organizing committee had all worked in the office for many years and had built a solid foundation of experience and respect on the job. Normally, our own reputations would immediately invalidate most of the typical arguments the firm would pull out, like that the union organizers were outside agitators or lazy. However, our reputations meant nothing to these new people who had not been working with us for years. The firm, taking full advantage of these new workers, successfully turned a couple of workers against us and alienated the new hires from us. We met all their hostility with civility and positivity. IWW branches and supporters from all over the country sent flowers and cookies to our office with notes of encouragement, and supporters in the community held a solidarity rally

greatest benefit, what is a greater current, when called seignorage. In a what is really needed is country like Great Britto change the direction ain were the government of the prevailing low. currently allows comHe writes bluntly that, mercial banks to create We are running out of 97 percent of the money time. Avarice and usury supply, this is quite a are carrying us all too fast significant entitlement. toward self-destruction. The tricks of the finanCan we wean ourselves cial trade run the gamut off them in time to surfrom kings of old cheatvive their consequences? ing the people through That is an open question the debasement of their now. coinage to the newer Commercial banks trick of creating money are allowed to create out of nothing in order credit, literally write it to lend it out at a profit. out of nothing into bank In this way money can accounts as interestGraphic: bearing loans, through be written into customer bank accounts as credit, transferred to what is called fractional reserve banking. others as payment, and the shift is on from If they are required to keep 10 percent of debt-free cash to bank-account money their deposits on hand, they can create created by the commercial banks as debt. 900 for every 1,000 deposited with Robertson calls the creation of the Bank them. Robertson provocatively contrasts of England in 1694 a landmark event in this privilege, handed over to bankers, the modern history of money. The idea with the punishments meted out to forgwas sold by William Paterson to London ers and counterfeiters. There is a history investors, with the incredible provision suppressed and ignored behind this disthat government would pay the interest cussion of how money gets created; in on the loans out of taxes to be raised in 1844, the Bank Charter Act in the United future years. This was in spite of the fact Kingdom deprived commercial banks of that the endeavor was from the beginning the privilege of issuing their own credit an attempt to subvert Parliament and fund notes, because they slowly started to bethe foreign adventures of a king. In 1946, come actual money and the failure the bank was nationalized, and it still had to control their issue was damaging the only an indirect control over the money economy as a whole. Despite the fact supply through interest rates. In Roman that the Bank of England was handed a times authors such as Pliny the Elder and monopoly over the creation of money, Juvenal railed against indebtedness, and the commercial banks continued turning the 1 percent driving society to ruin, and their trick by causing money to appear in sadly, writes Robertson, todays Socialist the bank accounts of their customers. The and Labour governments have been help- effects of this arrangement are profound less before the money system. and rarely addressed; everyone who Robertson contends that ethical ques- spends money is taxed, made to subsidize tions have been almost cleansed from the the banks, which originated the notes as economics profession. This can be seen, he debt, and the money supply, indebtedness writes, in their hostile responses to the and poverty are continually made to grow. ideas of Henry George and C.H. Douglas, Robertson writes that the present way of both of whom inspired movements in past providing the money supply systematically centuries dedicated to the ethical purpose works to increase poverty and widen the of making the money system work for the gap between rich and poor. Furthermore, common interest. He doesnt recommend this situation yields destructive ecological getting bogged down in the intricacies of outcomes, and also ensures that money Georgist or Social Credit thought, but over will initially be put toward harmful but the years he came to realize that his prac- profitable ends. Finally, it all lends itself tical conclusions are very much theirs. to financial instability and at each stage, The fact that money values conflict with through boom, bust, and aftermath, real-life values is not natural, or divinely windfall profits are secured by the bankers. ordained, as some advocates of the market Robertson calls for a radical reform claim, but bears the marks of powerful of the money system, as well as a shift in people and of governments that allow tax emphasis, both of which he sees as banks to hold our societies to ransom. currently favoring the rich over the poor, Robertson sees ethical business and fi- and, another change, in public spending, nance as impractical, swimming against which he refers to as a universal Citizens

Income. Current taxation patterns are dysfunctional, and at worse positively perverse. Tax avoidance is epidemic, there is an estimated $11.5 trillion currently held in tax havens; these crossborder flows of money distort economic priorities, and tend toward the criminal. It is obviously desirable to shift taxes off of things that can be moved and onto the value of land and other environmental resources that cannot be moved from one tax jurisdiction to another. A government, or a money system, working in the public interest would make corporations pay for the value they take from common resources for their own benefit. For Robertson, the value coming out of creating a vital common resource like money should be captured as public revenue and no longer as private profit. All of these reforms are directed toward getting rid of burdens that crush, as the late Utah Phillips would say, and combinations of them would yield affordable housing, an income for all as a right, financial stability, and an eventual phasing out of borrowing and costly regulation. These reforms may seem to apply mostly to well-developed national currencies, but Robertson does not lose sight of the importance of international and local currencies. In 2002, it is estimated that the rest of the world was made to pay the $400 billion for use of the U.S. dollar, and many see the development of a genuine international currency as preferable to this 1944 Bretton Woods survival. From the suggestions of John Maynard Keynes, at the above economic conference, for a true international currency, called bancor, the author moves easily to encouraging local currencies, even regional alternatives to national ones. Robertson sees the urgent need for a revival of local and household economies worldwide, and writes that they must become significant components of national economies in the coming decades. The current dramatic situation in Greece, in which the remote euro is embraced, while the people are allowed to sink, is a perfect example of the need for a return to the local, and the possibility of opening a path toward radical monetary reform. The entitled advocates of austerity in the United States never mention that Social Security cannot add to our debt, or that, in order to deal with indebtedness, we must first deal with how money is created. Robertson illustrates this best when he writes: Internationally, as well as nationally and locally, we must reform the whole money system that generates the money values that motivate us all to live in the ways we now do.

outside of our office on the Monday before the election. In the end, the fact that the union busters had all the money and all the time to spend working on those workers who they knew were weak spots almost paid off for them. The vote on March 6 was seven-to-six in our favor. We would have liked to have had a stronger majority, but apparently all but one of the people who werent already on our organizing committee succumbed to the shameless anti-union campaigning. Based on that, Id say the union lost the six-week public campaign, but it didnt matter because we had won the three-year campaign. The biggest challenge is ahead of us nowthe bosses are now going to focus all of their energy on continuing to divide the people in the office and on making the union look ineffective. We now have to focus on staying positive, healing the rifts caused by the campaign, and learning how to function as a certified union. This has all been a learning experience, but the new territory ahead of us is going to be an even bigger and more important learning experience.

Page 10 Industrial Worker April 2013

April 2013 Industrial Worker Page 11


One Big Union And Horizontal Worker Cooperatives In Texas: A Story

An Ecology Action barrel (left) and a group shot of the workers (right), part of the oldest worker cooperative in Texas.

Photos: Ann Harkness

By scott crow They were doing it in Texas They were drinking from a fountain That was pouring like an avalanche Coming down the mountain Butthole Surfers Pepper In the hot summer heat of Austin, Texas, in the year 2000, the workers of Ecology Action, a recycling center, decided they had enough. The staff of 12, many of them longtime employees, were working hard informally running the center doing both the manual labor and much of the administrative functions as well as running its various programs, all while earning on average $7 per hour while the largely absent executive director was pulling a $40,000 per year salary. Their boss was taking vacations while the workers continued operations in all weather. Under mismanagement, Ecology Action was running out of money quickly. The workers hit on the idea of running the center collectively, but how could they get that past an indifferent boss and out of touch board of directors? They needed to do something, beginning a journey that would change the course of their lives and Ecology Action. Roots to Grow From Austins Ecology Action had its humble birth on Earth Day 1970 when a handful of volunteers took direct action to do something about the garbage around them. They incorporated cooperative ideas into the nascent organization. Up until 1977-1978, Ecology Action was largely run collectively by volunteers and some paid staff with no boss. In 1976, Ecology Action joined with other burgeoning coops (consumer, housing and worker) and businesses to form a mutual aid network dubbed Austin Community Project (ACP), rooted in the ideas of direct democracy and cooperation. ACP only lasted a short time before it collapsed, leaving only two surviving businesses. At the draw of the 1970s, Ecology Action fell into a traditional nonprofit model trap with a typical topdown approach. Its only twist was that it generated a large portion of its money from being a business, instead of through donations. It remained this way until the millennium, going through executive directors who took it through economic boom and bust cycles of business.

Summers of Change No one can say exactly when the change in the workers came, but it started in that hot summer of 2000 and would lead to historic changes over the next year at the little ol recycling center in Texas. The workers decided they wanted collective bargaining to raise their wages to a living wage with benefits. Predictably, the director and board refused to recognize their grievances for months. The small staff first reached out to the professional local unions for support, but was dismissed since it was a nonprofit and their staff was too small. Once again union bureaucrats left workers to deal with these issues on their own. Then the local IWW General Membership Branch (GMB), which had been quite active since the mid1990s on local campaigns, stepped in to help formally bring grievances forward with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The director continued to ignore the concernsdemanding people return to workwhich led to a work stoppage at the recycling center. Finally, under the summer heat in 2001, it all erupted with the unfair firing of an employee who helped to unionize. Most of the staff went on strike. Hot days were filled with picket lines of workers, and those who stood in solidarity including Wobs and other supporters. Eventually, all the staff joined the strike. The center, normally open 24 hours a day for drop-off, soon piled up in mountains of recycling materials edging towards the streets on all sides of the small corner lot. Scabs brought in were soundly blocked from entering by the strikers. As the strike entered its sixth week the board of directors finally fired the director and promised the workers they could run the center. All the staff returned to work diligently reducing the mountains to rubble again. A few weeks later the board sneakily rescinded and brought in another temporary director to take the reins, fire disrupters, hire new employees and take control again. Texas is a right-to-work state without much worker protection, so the workers did what they had to do, ultimately striking again while the IWW filed grievances with the NLRB and helped mount a media campaign. This time the board quickly caved in to the demands under much controversy, with many, including the new director, resign-

ing. The workers began to return Ecology Action to its collective roots for the first time since the 1970s. Making Our New Roads is Not Always Easy Now that the workers had self-management of everything, they had to start asking hard questions. How do we run a cooperative? How do we equal out wage disparities? What does work-sharing look like? This was in addition to all the normal questions that all businesses have about their operations. There were more than a few anarchists on staff who brought some of their principles and practices to the organization, including horizontal decision-making. They also looked to other horizontal worker cooperatives like Mondragon Caf in Canada for inspiration, and set out to write new policies based on direct democracy, with mixed success. The staff members were able to give themselves benefits including health insurance for the first time, as well as vacations. They also raised the wages of those who had been at the bottom to a living wage, but there were still people who made more money from the old system (from being ex-management or seniority) and it was a constant issue sorting it out. Also there were vastly different interpretations of what self-management meant for those engaged in it. Some felt like everyone was a boss looking over their shoulders, others wanted self-management to mean that no one could tell them what to do and they didnt have to be accountable to the collective, while still others tried to engage everyone in a path of power-sharing that is really what cooperatives are about. Without the boss to hate they turned on each other while trying to sort it out. In 2006 the question of how to make Ecology Action operate horizontally entered the dialogue. People like me, who had experience in cooperatives or horizontal organizing, were hired in. The organization became rooted in set principles and guidelines and an experimental nature was adopted, with staff members consciously trying out different models, concepts and practices based on the values of shared leadership, power and voices. Over the next two years tough decisions were made. We fired people because they didnt want to be accountable to the collective or werent willing to change. Others left on their own because we still had the gnawing issue to address of wage discrepancy to

deal with. They were given a choice to take a pay cut or leave with compensation. It was messy and rocky but we finally equalized the wage. An interesting thing began to happen on the road to power sharing: as some of the old-guard Left (which was largely white men), the collective evolved in a more diverse group, with the inclusion of women and queer folks in roles they had not previously been in before. We continued to try different and new ideas as we struggled through not only the hard dirty work of recycling but also all of the internal work of creating a horizontal, sustainable workplace; ecologically, economically, socially and culturally. Its a tall order to fill on any given day, but those were and are our lofty goals for creating just worlds. We continued to be members of the IWW and became a job shop in 2009 as well as joining the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives. Our philosophy was that horizontal worker co-ops are an evolutionary step in workplace democracy. We wanted to be IWW for three reasons: the first was to have union representation to support us if needed, the second was to support other workers if they needed it, and the third reason was to continue to push horizontal worker cooperatives as the model to possibly adopt for future worker control. We believe that to create new participatory economies we have to build businesses from the ground-up if we want to be in control and that is what we focused on, in addition to the recycling. Two of us from Ecology Action co-founded another worker co-op called Treasure City Thrift as a sister project (that is still thriving today). Our evolving business models looked at multiple bottom lines and sometimes that meant making a lot less money or it meant dealing with the devil. Capitalism and its tentacles still reach into every corner, but we have always striven to balance survival with principles with varying degrees of success. There are still many challenges to face and successes to be had, but we have lived firsthand the closest thing to a fair blue-collar business under the capitalist system that I have ever been a part of. Ecology Action is still experimenting, still changing and hopefully opening doors for other workers to think about different strategies in creating democratic workplaces. The IWW was the engine of the catalyst that propelled us into becoming now the oldest worker cooperative in Texas (13 years as of this writing). Dont give in! Dont give up! Resist, Rebel, Create and Build!

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Ecology Action workers using a baler (compactor).

Photo: Caleb Bryant

Page 12 Industrial Worker April 2013

The IWW formed the International Solidarity Commission to help the union build the worker-to-worker solidarity that can lead to effective action against the bosses of the world. To contact the ISC, email

By Mathieu Dube In what is most likely the largest strike in human history, 100 million workers went on strike in India on Feb. 20-21. They were opposing price hikes on commodities such as diesel, gas and electricity, as well as day-today goods. The strike The general strike. was initiated by a very large number of unions across the political spectrum in opposition to the governments immobility regarding these issues. This coalition of unions has written a 10-point program of demands, most of them having to do with battling the social repercussions of high inflation in the country, but also including points on defending workers rights. The all-India general strike was a true show of force by the Indian working class, shutting down many parts of the country. Workers both from the public and the private sectors were involved. The organizing committee released a statement afterwards describing the strength of the mobilization this way: Starting from Meghalaya, Assam to Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka and again from West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar and Jharkhand to Uttar Pradesh, MP [Madhya Pradesh], Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana and Himachal Pradesheverywhere the workers took to the street in the thousands, voicing their demands, defying all sorts of threats, intimidations, arrests, organized armed attacks and even the brutal killing of a striker of Haryana. Several examples outline the size of the strike: in Tirupur, 200,000 garment workers went on strike; 8,000 stateowned buses were off the road in the western state of Gurajat; in Calcutta, the capital of the West Bengal state, the roads were deserted and public transportation was nonexistent. According to Reuters, The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry saidthe two-day strike was expected to cause a loss of 150 billion-200 billion rupees ($2.8 billion-$3.8 billion), hurting sectors such as banking, insurance and transport. Around the globe, the tendency is toward stagnating or lowering wages, while inflation and price markups are rampant. This effectively means that the bosses are stealing more and more wealth out of the economy, which makes life harder on workers everywhere. The inflation rate in India is at 7.5 percent, while the rate of economic growth has been 7 percent. The

General Strike Of 100 Million Workers In India

cost of almost every commodity has gone up. As Amarjeet Kaur, National Secretary of the All-India Trade Union Congress, said, Just take the example of petrol. In 1989, the price of one liter of petrol was 8.50 rupees (or the equivalent of 16 cents), and Photo: as of now, in Delhi it is 69.06 rupees (or $1.28) and much higher in other cities. By demanding through solidarity that the government intervene, the Indian workers are fighting to take back what theyre producing. The mobilization was initiated by a coalition of unions from all parts of the political spectrum; a lot of unions in India have ties to political parties. A national convention of trade unions was held on Sept. 4, 2012, and the preparations for the 48-hour strike started there. Despite having been given a five-month warning about the possible shutdown of the country, the government didnt act on any of the workers demands. The strike therefore went on, regrouping workers from 11 Central Trade Union Organizations and Independent Federations of Workers and Employees. Unaffiliated unions as well as unorganized workers also took part in the mobilization. Even though the initial demands focused on commodity prices, several other demands were included. For instance, the 10-point charter contained demands for protection of the right of workers to organize, an increase in the minimum wage, universal social security coverage for unorganized sectors of workers and assured pensions for all. Attacks on benefits that were acquired thanks to previous struggles, as well as basic democratic rights such as freedom of association, need to be fought against, as the Indian workers demonstrated to their ruling class and to the world, despite the lack of coverage of these events in the mainstream media. As the general strike in India has shown, the strength of workers across the world lies in our numbers. The general traits of the economy are basically the same in the so-called advanced economies, as well as in the emerging countries like India and China. The bosses and their lackey states are serving austerity, inflation and stagnation, with lower wages and diminishing benefits for workers. Only through united organizing can we fight back as workers. With files from BBC News, Workers World, Equal Times and Reuters.

By the ISC system or state bureaucrats, the workers of Vio.Me decided to take The IWWs International Solidarity Commission (ISC) congratuthe factory into their own hands and to operate it themselves. The lates the workers of Viomichaniki Metaleftiki (Vio.Me), a building Vio.Me workers have given us all a materials factory, for taking control living example of workers power and have lit the way for all of us of their workplace and restarting production after having occupied it in the struggle against capitalism Graphic: throughout the world. It is now up for more than 20 months (see Factory In Greece Under Workers Control, to all of us to take the next steps in our own March 2013 IW, page 12). workplaces and struggles. Let this be one After fighting for the payment of their of millions of workplace takeovers to come stolen wages since May 2011, the workers across Greece and the world. The IWW is committed to a grassroots have now decided in a directly democratic assembly to collectively organize produc- global resistance to the employing class. tion without bosses. They have brought the We aim to work with others to build a factory back into operation, shifting to the movement that can defeat the capitalists production of building materials that are and construct a new world-based worknot toxic or damaging for the environment. ers control of the means of production The ISC is in full support of this move. and a radically democratic economy. We As the world plunges deeper into eco- salute the seizure of the Vio.Me factory as nomic and ecological crisis, the workers at a step in the right direction and pledge our Vio.Me have shown us the way forward. solidarity and commitment to stand at the Instead of waiting for the state to decrease side of all workers in the struggle for the unemployment, instead of leaving their emancipation of the working class, for the fate in the hands of the capitalist legal creation of a world without bosses! By J. Pierce STOP: Read this column while using the internet. This will be practical and fun. The goal of this column is to have every IWW branch establish direct connections with workers abroad, based on which companies call your city home. The Phoenix IWW has 100-plus Facebook friends who work for Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold, a mining company in West Papua, Indonesia. We had several actions at Freeports headquarters in Phoenix, Ariz., prompted by requests from Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) unionists at the Grasberg Mine. We are thrilled about this connection and we want to duplicate it for more branches. Step 1: Search the internet for Corporate Headquarters _______ and type in your city. If we take Phoenix as an example, 72 major corporate operations pop up. Some of these are assets, some are regional headquarters and others are international headquarters like Freeport-McMoRan. Now, peruse your list and select a recognizable company that might have overseas operations and whose employees might advertise their employment. We are looking for miners, plantation workers, assembly workers, transportation workers, garment workers, etc. Contractors for companies such as Walmart and Nike might be harder to find, but it can be done. I will select American President Lines (APL) as my example. The APL shipping company has their North American headquarters in Scottsdale, a suburb of Phoenix. APL likely has operations overseas, is unionized and might have a presence on Facebook. Plus, we are aware of previous dock worker struggles with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and anti-war campaigns against APL war shipments. These elements make APL a great target for IWW solidarity. Step 2: Search for your companys overseas operations. Look for their operations in a familiar locale or for their unionized workers. Wikipedia says that APL is owned by Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), that NOL is headquartered in Singapore and wholly owned by the Singapore government and that APL is the fifth largest shipping company globally. They have 10 terminals in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and China. They have 153 shipping vessels that call at 90 ports. So we are now thinking about the possibilities of supporting dock workers and seafarers. From my own experience wandering into the International Maritime Center, a religious hospitality house near the Oakland docks, I know that seafarers come from all over. I pulled out my old International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) magazines from that house. Evidently, the magazine is printed in English, Arabic, Japanese, Tagalog, Chinese, German, Indonesian, Pol-

IWW Solidarity With Workers Of Vio.Me In Greece

Five Steps To Direct International Solidarity ish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. So the

Support international solidarity!

Assessments for $3 and $6 are available from your delegate or IWW headquarters: PO Box 180195, Chicago,

ITF and its workers might be our target. Step 3: Search for a union in your target area. I quickly found the Singapore Port Workers Union (SPWU) which matches all threethey are dock workers, they are in the country where APL-NOL is headquartered and in which 80 APL vessels call and they work out of the Port of Singapore. However, it seems that APL does not have its own terminal in this port. So we are starting to narrow down, if possible, to Singapore, seafarers and dock workers, and the ITF and SPWU. All this is based off of APLs North American headquarters being recently moved from Oakland to Scottsdale. Step 4: Search for radical labor in your target area. In a quick search, I found a history of left-wing unionism in Singapore, including communist, anti-colonialist and ethnic struggles. I discovered a very interesting Left union called the Industrial Workers Union which may still be in existence. So in addition to contacting the ILWU, ILA, ITF and SPWU, I would search for the IWU and other contemporary radical labor groups in Singapore. I could do this for other APL port cities as well. Step 5: Search for groups and individuals on Facebook that fit your combination. For APL-NOL, I could not find the exact combination of an APL seafarer or dock worker that lives in Singapore. I did find some Singapore port workers, however. The key is finding the right name combination. For FreeportMcMoRan, they call it PT Freeport Indonesia. Using this name, you will find hundreds on Facebook employed by Freeport. So far I have found individuals and groups for Port of Singapore Authority. I located a post by a Tamil individual that had a funny trickle-down income cartoon. I sent this individual a message in English and Tamil using Google Translate. Also, I discovered that Tamil-speaking Indians are historically known for their radical unionism in Singapore. This part could take some time. Once you establish the correct circle of people and they know the value of connecting with militants in the company headquarters city, the friending will be easy. Our experience with Freeport was effortless because they were engaged in an occupation and strike, we did a solidarity action, they found the Phoenix IWW Facebook page, and they friended us! When each IWW branch establishes direct connections with workers abroad and offers to support their struggles in the headquarters city, it could become common knowledge all over the world that you contact the IWW in the home city when you go on strike. Additionally, these relationships could grow over the years into formidable alliances and the possibilities are endless.

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